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Keeping Fit as a family and getting your nutrition back

Keeping fit as a family and Avoiding the diet fads for a quick fix after isolation. 

I loved isolation. Don’t get me wrong. There was some times stuck in the house that nearly sent us over the edge with the kids but overall I think it made the family closer, we got to spend even more time together, were forced to become more of a unit and work together more and it gave us the opportunity to keep fit and healthy as a family. 

So what activities can you do as a family to keep active?

Bike rides, basketball games, nerf gun fights, trampoline, home workouts, hikes, walking the dog, scooter rides, Hide and seek outdoors, tag, water bomb fights, pool races etc etc. 

The list is really endless and I guarantee you get worn out before the kids do. That second, third, fourth wind they have attacks you haha. 

Being stuck at home has probably had you eating a lot more comfort foods, drinking a little more alcohol and not really caring too much about what you eat and that’s fine in moderation. 

But when you find that motivation, reset those goals, start getting yourself back on track. Do it in a way that can be sustainable for the long term. You don’t need to go keto only, become a vegan, carnivore or this that or anything else. Just switch up your probably 50-50% good vs bad choices to 80-20 or even 90-10. Keep active daily and even track yourself on an app like my fitness pal for the first week or two to get some foundations in place and ensure hitting a calorie deficit to get started. 

It’s not a race to what you can lose in an 8 week challenge and be the next before and after photo for your local gym. 

Because 80% of people can’t sustain that long term and they just yo-yo on and off challenges never really getting anywhere long term. 

Find a method you can stick to for 5-10 years that slowly gets you results and is sustainable and you will win. 

Crush the day. 

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Cam from McClellanville, United States purchased 4 Week Home Based Workouts