Why do I keep fit as a father?
This photo represents a day it all made sense to me.
**Now before I go on and because it’s the weekend and I want to enjoy time with my kids instead of dealing with those insecure, low life keyboard warriors I have to daily 🤦🏻♂️it’s not fat shaming. It’s not bettering myself and it’s not big noting me and bagging out them. It’s just plain facts and what I experienced that day and how it all made sense to me 😎**
So we are in New Zealand at the snow farm. Taking the kids tubing for the first time. Now this isn’t too much of a hill or incline to pull up maybe 40-50m max and we only have an hour pass.
We rock up at the same time as another family. Husband. Wife and 2 kids similar ages. Wife was small and petite. Kids not overweight. The father on the other hand would have been a good 30-40kg over weight.
Kids are all excited at first running up and tubing down and having the time of their life.
15min in they start to get tired (2 and 5 years old)
So I decide this is fine we have 45 min left I will just pull you up and we will all come down no dramas.
Other family end up in the same boat. Pulls the kids up once and then ends up puffing, panting and is just physically exhausted. 20min into the hour pass. He is done. Kids pack up we are out of here, kids screaming and crying cause they wanna stay because who doesn’t at that age they are having the time of their life. So much fun. Laughing. Crashing into each other etc. so they go Straight to the cafe (soft drink, fried food the lot is what we witness after we end up Coming inside 45min later.)
Was the next 45min tough pulling the kids up and down. Bloody oath. Legs were burning. Heart was pumping. Sweat underneath the snow gear was making me cold. But my fitness from months of training was allowing me to do it.
My mindset and mental strength to allow the kids to maintain that happiness and smile wasn’t going to break. I was not going to throw in the towel. These are memories we got to capture and will last forever.
So moral of this story and once again it’s not a fat shaming exercise or me vs him.
It was a realization for me of why I train. Why I keep fit and healthy. Why I put those hours in per day and week.
It’s not to look good on social media for randoms. It’s not to pose in the mirror. It’s so I can be at the ready at any time to be there for my children. Give them that excitement. Give them that experience and happiness. No matter what we do or where we might go they will not be the ones disappointed because we have to stop because dad can’t handle it. Won’t be the ones missing out because I am unfit to continue and me personally I will get to enjoy those special moments of pure joy and happiness that will stay in my memory forever.
My training isn’t for my gains anymore. My training is for them. My training is so as I get older and these army injuries inhibit me further I have the best chance of keeping up with 2 young growing boys who are going to get more stronger. Fitter and faster.
That’s the father I want to be. Out there in the mud with them. Not the one on the phone scrolling Facebook telling them to get out of the mud.
My experience and realization this day proved to me that the mission we have of inspiring fathers worldwide to live that fit dad lifestyle is exactly what needs to be happening. To allow fathers to have that ability to charge for an hour and not give disappointment 15/20min into it.
Do it for your kids. They deserve it.