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Fatherhood is Tough

It’s also the greatest time of your life.
Every single day you’re presented with an situation you have not ever been exposed too with your children.
Their is no rule book. Every fathers journey is different.
It’s not uncommon to go through 3 different emotions with your children within 10 minutes of each other. Both for yourself and them.
They will test your patience. May send you grey. Won’t let you have a proper sleep for a while. Waste half the food you give them. Leave toys everywhere. Break stuff. Fight and argue with their siblings. Not listen. Piss the bed in the middle of your nights sleep. Be clingy but then not want to be around you.
But they will also give you the most unconditional love. The best kisses and cuddles. Care for you like no other. Make you cry, laugh and get teared up with joy. They will impress you. Imitate you and be there for you.
The best thing is not one child is the same. Sure you might pick up some handy hints or tips from your first. But number 2/3/4 or beyond will all do and act different.
Being a Father is the greatest time of your life by far. Nothing competes or comes even close.
Keep being amazing role models and leaders for your amazing children legends.
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Brenton from Wallacia, Australia purchased 8 Week Gym Program