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Don’t forget how bad you wanted what you currently have.

Don’t forget how bad you wanted what you currently have!

It’s human nature.

We always want more….

But at one time and maybe not even that long ago what you have right now was the goal.

You’re living out the dream right now that you had 3/6/9/36 months ago.

It’s hard to comprehend, it’s even harder to accept because once we reach a goal we are naturally planning for the next big thing.

-Got the house finally, now I want a new kitchen and bathroom.

-Got the new car, now I want bigger wheels or a lift kit.

-Got my shredded body, but now I wanna add more mass in my chest and arms.

The list can go on and on.

One thing we need to understand is goals are super important, milestones along the way are even more important.

But for the vast majority of us, when we reach the goal maybe after months or years of working towards it, we don’t stop to celebrate, we don’t live in the moment. It’s how can I get more. How can I be or do better.

When you understand that you spend 90% of your life chasing the goals the journey becomes the fun part, the goal is just a tick in the box you’re on the right path.

Keep setting crazy goals legend.

Keep enjoying the process getting there.

Keep being an amazing role model for your children.

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