Did you know the average Dad spends 34 “Meaningful” minutes with their children every day. This is one on one time, no distractions, no phone in one hand talking on the other.
Did you also know that 80% of the time we ever spend with our children is over by the time they turn 18 years old? This meaning you have only 20% spread over the next 10/30/50 years.
For the vast majority of Dads out there everything to do with time is against you from the get go. You’re working 40/50/80 hour weeks. Some FIFO others commuting. Kids are in day care or school when you may have a day off. Weekends are full of sport and activities or fixing the house. Kids go to bed earlier in the younger years and in the older years they are doing their own thing hanging out with their own friends.
You then add life to this equation. School runs, grocery’s, the lawns, your own health and fitness. Study and time with your partner and it can feel your negative 25 hours on where you should be at per week.
Time management is hard. If you had a look over the last week (168 hours you would be thinking I didn’t have a minute spare, you may be right).
Something you need to always ensure you do it make sure that the activities that are your goals or priorities are getting the time they deserve. You have to force them into the time slot and if this means you lose a bit of time on the socials or Netflix at night then so be it. Work, sleep, eat are the 3 things that happen most. How can I slot in more time with my kids. How can I slot in more time with my wife. How can I slot in more fitness (can I combine all 3 to free up more time there for my side hustle I am working on) 168 hours in a week. Get a notebook. Allocate every hour. Put your goals and priorities in their first. Everything else around it.
Crush the day.