If 2020 hasn’t gone the way you wanted this far guess what you have 6 more months to rectify it. Then another 12 next year, the following year and the year after that.
When you’re playing the long game as a father which I think everyone should be doing then a messed up 4 months shouldn’t throw you off track.
These last 4 months have been testing times but a positive to come from it is you were probably forced to spend more time with your kids.
Probably found some shortcomings and areas you need to improve on.
Possibly got those jobs done and become closer to your partner and appreciated life a lot more for what it is.
Accept what has been. Plan, prepare and get ready to execute on what’s to come and continue to be the father you are dreaming of.
One that is consistently better than yesterday and one that will continually be the leader and the example he wants his kids to follow.
Crush the day.