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Dads, How we grew up doesn't necessarily apply to how our kids will.

The times we live in are changing daily. For the better for the worse I don’t know. But they are rapidly changing that’s for sure.

10 years ago

we didn’t have smart phones.

Facebook was just kicking off

instagram wasn’t a thing.

uber was not around

And we probably still had dial up Internet.

Our kids are growing up in a whole new world.

we have to adjust to help them adjust.

How we grew up and did things as kids doesnt entirely compare anymore.

How we did schooling, got our first job and interacted with friends has done a backflip.

As parents we need to realize Not to judge our kids based on yesterday. They are now living in today which is a good indicator of tomorrow.

Listen to them. Support them. Show them the love and confidence to chase their dreams.

Its a whole new world and way of learning and tackling it.

Crush the day legends.

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Leo from Labrador City, Canada purchased FDF30 - Jan 6 Start Date.