Dreams without goals in place to achieve the result will remain just that. Dreams.
We all want that perfect body, perfect family, perfect job, perfect house.
It’s the dream for us all.
But how do you get there?
How do you achieve them all?
Sure some come naturally, some are won, some are genetics, some by chance.
But for most you have to work your ass of every damn day to achieve and then even harder to keep.
You need a timeline to start.
You need a plan straight after that.
You need little milestones along the way that let you know you are on the right track.
You also need contingency plans. What happens if X happens. What do I do if Y occurs.
Lastly you need to make sure it’s realistic for the time frame you are allocating.
If it’s realistic and you are consistently hitting milestones it’s inevitable that you will eventually hit the goal.
If it’s not realistic. You could get 6 months in and realize I have got no chance of achieving this and pull the pin and get disinterested.
Start goal setting every aspect of your life. Believe me it’s worth it.
Crush the day.