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Dad, You're the real superhero

Dad your greatest superpower is that no one else is you.

No matter the favorite shows, the sports stars, the posters on the wall YOU will always be your kids #1 Hero.

So what hero do you want to be?

The go getter?

The winner?

The strong, brave, fit, healthy, superhuman of a Dad who the kids aspire to be like?


Are you going to be the lazy one on the couch.

The gonna be.

The one who consistently has broken promises and dreams.

The one who aspires to be great but can never follow through.

The one who takes his kids to the park but sits on the park bench on his phone.

The one that works too much and buys his kids happiness through toys.

The one that gets angry at his kids for playing computer games and eating too much junk but does the same thing in front of them.

You have the choice of which Dad you want your kids to remember you as.

The superhero or the Gonna be.

My suggestion is to live up to your kids expectations of being their superhero.
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Giulio from Avezzano, Italy purchased 30 Day Kickstart - Ultimate Blueprint for Dads.