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Best fitness for dads?

It’s got to be something you enjoy first and foremost. 


If you have a passion for it this means that you are more likely to stick with it and not pull the pin when it gets to tough or conditions don’t suit. 


It’s got to be something that you can sustain for years to come. Where you can make small measurable improvements every week that are trackable and as above keep your passion alive. 


There has got to be variety. 


Doing to much of one thing will kill that vibe and you will be over it and looking for a way out. 


Mix it up with everything you are interested in throughout the week. 


It shouldn’t feel like a chore. Don’t do something because you are aiming for a quick fix. 


If you hate gym then avoid it. Hate running do something different. 


No matter if it’s Zumba. Paddle boarding. Swimming. Cycling, group fitness or anything else you can get just as fit on each of these if you spend the time doing it. 


Find something you love. Find something your kids can eventually be involved in and do it because you enjoy doing it. Not because you are copying someone else’s journey and trying to imitate there results. 


Crush the day



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